David Gray

psychoterapeuta (po angielsku, on-line)
Psychotherapist - Couples, Families, Individuals
Problematic Substance Use in English (On-line)
Psychotherapy in English (On-line)

David Gray


Couples Therapy. I specialise in Couples Therapy delivered in English, especially where one partner is not from Poland. There are many problems-both short and long term which can manifest in a mixed culture relationship, and I believe that it is very important to help recognise these and work on overcoming these through effective communication, and equally as importantly, listening.

Problematic Substance Use. I have worked alongside clients of all age groups-male and female to help provide help and support at all levels-from smoking cessation to opioid dependency. Everyone has a different experience with their substance use, be it nicotine, alcohol or any of the myriad of psycho-active substances, and everyone who wishes to address their issues needs to be treated individually.


I have 20 years professional experience delivering therapeutic interventions to individuals, couples and groups, in closed conditions and in the community. I feel that establishing a therapeutic relationship is essential to this. Our clients are telling us their personal narrative about their traumas, fears and anxieties, and trusting us. We can be the catalyst towards so much positive personal development.
I believe in helping clients, whether as individuals, couples or groups to work towards their potential, strengthening their relationships, overcoming their fears, and celebrating their successes.


B.A in Sociology (Communications) Stirling University
Post-Graduate Certificate in Smoking Cessation Glasgow Caledonian University
Certificate in Psychotherapy and Counselling-Counselling and Psychotherapy, Scotland (COSCA)

David Gray


  • psychoterapia po angielsku / therapy in English

  • psychoterapia par po angielsku / couple's therapy in English

  • terapia rodzinna po angielsku / family therapy in English

Odbyte szkolenia:

  • B.A in Sociology (Communications) Stirling University

  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Smoking Cessation Glasgow Caledonian University

  • Certificate in Psychotherapy and Counselling-Counselling and Psychotherapy, Scotland (COSCA)

  • Leadership-Managing Expectations-Coaching and Counselling Diploma

  • Certificate in Mental Health First Aid

  • Certificate in Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Various other certificates held from a range of courses


  • poniedziałki, wtorki, środy, czwartki, piątki, soboty

Koszt sesji

  • psychoterapia indywidualna po angielsku / therapy in English - 270 zł

  • psychoterapia par po angielsku / couple's therapy in English - 370 zł

  • terapia rodzinna po angielsku / family therapy in English - 440 zł